
Introduction to Invitro treatment – the main things you need to know

Introduction to invitro treatment

Introduction to in vitro treatment is extremely important, as many studies are alerting to the growing problem of fertility in both men and women. That is why it is important to understand that if you find yourself in this situation, you are not an isolated case and you will not be ashamed of it! It is important to act adequately and calmly in order to have maximum chances of success. In this line of thought Invitro fertilization may be the solution for you. We have prepared a brief introduction to in vitro treatment and the basic things you need to know.

What exactly is invitro fertilization?

The term “Invitro” has become more or less a collective term in the latter years, with the majority of people not having a very clear idea of what it is in vitro fertilization and how to distinguish between different reproductive treatments problems and sterility.

In this article, we do not claim to be exhaustive, but rather we have set ourselves the goal of yes give a summary of what in vitro treatment is all about.

Step 1 – Ovarian stimulation

The first step in the in vitro procedure is to stimulate the ovaries in order to separate more eggs. This is usually associated with taking medication for a long time at about 10 days.

Step 2 – Taking the eggs

When the follicles in the ovary reach their optimal size and the eggs are mature, through the vagina with anesthesia is performed so-called follicular puncture. The eggs are extracted carefully from each ovary, after which it is necessary to stay in the clinic several hours for recovery after anesthesia.

Step 3 – Fertilization of eggs

After receiving a sample of sperm from the partner, the most active ones are selected used to fertilize the egg. Successfully fertilized eggs are now called embryos. They will be grown in a laboratory incubator for 2 to 6 days, which will maintain all the necessary conditions for their normal development.

Step 4 – Select an embryo to return to the womb

As long as the embryos grow safely in the incubator, the embryologist will closely monitor their development. This is done either by accurately assessing the morphology and the degree of growth of the embryo. Based on information on the development of embryo, the specialist will select the best embryo and start preparing it for the transfer. In order to improve the chances of implantation, the embryo is placed in an environment that is very similar to that in the mother’s womb. Under certain conditions, genetic testing of embryos is also performed to make sure that the embryo does not contain genetic abnormalities before it is finally transferred in the womb.

Step 5 – Back to the womb

The embryo selected for transfer is placed in a thin tube called a catheter. Then the catheter is passed through the cervix and the embryo is transferred to the womb. After the embryo must rely on its own ability to implant, as well as the preparation of the uterine lining to accept it. It is a complex biochemical process in which many factors are important.

Step 6 – Waiting and a pregnancy test

After the embryo transfer, you will have to wait between 7 and 14 days before take a pregnancy test. The average couple can undergo 2 to 3 in vitro procedures before a successful pregnancy occurs that is no different from a natural pregnancy.

Step 7 – Freezing of embryos

After performing invitro procedures there may be more good embryos that can be frozen. They can be used for potential future treatments without the need for new stimulation.

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