
Municipal funding programs

“Assisted Reproduction Fund” Center 

Charity campaigns of Invitro Clinic “SOFIA”

Municipal funding programs

In recent years, more and more municipalities in Bulgaria have begun to adopt their own regional programs to fight sterility and demographic breakdown, by allocating funds from their annual budgets for financial support of diagnostics and treatment of productive problems for the residents of the municipality. The financial aid, as well as the critiria for approval of the candidates for financial aid are very different in every municipality. Check to see if there is a program in your community to fund the treatment of sterility and what are the critiria and what is the deadline for implementation.

"Assisted Reproduction Fund"  Center

“Assisted Reproduction Fund” Center is a specialized formation of Ministry of health, which financially helps bulgarian citizens carry out activities on assisted reproduction within individuals struggling with infertility, treatable primarily with the methods of ART and in particular by in vitro fertilization. The activity of the fund begins in April 2009. Invitro Clinic “SOFIA” has signed a contract with “Assisted Reproduction Fund” Center.

  • tubular sterility in women (MKБ-Х: N97.1)
  • sterility with a male factor (MKБ-Х: N97.4)
  • sterility in women linked with absence of ovulation because of LUFЅ
  • infertility with an unknown through the traditional diagnostic methods cause (unknown sterility)
  • medications needed for stimulation
  • control of stimulation
  • ultrasound examinations
  • hormonal examinations
  • follicular puncture
  • in vitro fertilization
  • embryo transfer
  • embryo freezing

The center finances the following assisted reproduction activities:

  1. controlled ovarian (hyper) stimulation (COX) with one or more of the following medicinal products (by groups):
    а) gonadotropin analogues (agonists or antagonists);
    b) gonadotropic hormones (urinary or recombinant);
    c) others (for luteal maintenance) – steroids and / or chorionic gonadotropin;
  2. control of the stimulation process through:
    а) documented ultrasound examinations;
    b) hormonal tests;
  3. ART methods (in vitro methods):
    а) follicular puncture under ultrasound control;
    b) classical in vitro fertilization;
    c) fertilization by the so-called ICSI;
    d) (amended, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) transfer of fresh embryos;
    e) (suppl. – SG, iss. 4 in 2018, in force from 01.01.2018) cryopreservation of pre-implantation embryos or of ova (in the cases of art. 26, para 1, item 6);
    f) (New, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) transfer of thawed embryos that have been cryopreserved with funds from the center – the necessary ultrasound examinations, thawing of the embryos, cultivation if necessary and embryo transfer ;
    g) (New, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) assisted reproduction of a spontaneous cycle – the necessary ultrasound examinations
  4. Follicular punctures under ultrasound control, fertilization, freezing and thawing of embryos, cultivation if necessary, the required number of embryo transfer (s).
    (2) The medicinal products, financed with funds from the center, shall be included in the Positive medicinal list and shall be provided by the order of art. 207, para. 1, item 5a of the Law on Medicinal Products in Human Medicine.

The center does not provide funding outside para. 1 and 2, including:

  1. Initial tests to diagnose and decide on ART by in vitro fertilization;
  2. The examinations necessary at least according to Ordinance № 28 of 2007 for assisted reproduction activities (SG, issue 55 of 2007), as follows:
    (a) microbiological;
    b) sperm analysis;
    c) for transmissible infections;
    d) blood group affiliation and rhesus factor;
    e) hormonal – before COHS;
    (f) blood counts, biochemistry and haemostasis;
    (g) other specific tests (genetic, immunological, etc.);
  3. Examinations other than those specified in Ordinance № 28 of 2007 for assisted reproduction activities, regardless of the moment of their performance;
  4. Induction of ovulation and / or COX with clomiphene citrate, etc. SERM;
  5. Inseminations by the partner or donor;
  6. Embryo reduction;
  7. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or screening (PGD / PGS);
  8. In vitro maturation (IVM);
  9. Oocyte donation;
  10. Embryo donation;
  11. GIFT, ZIFT, etc. similar;
  12. Testicular and / or epididymal biopsy (TеSE, PESA, МESA).

The Center finances the indicated in individuals struggling with infertility, treatable primarily with the methods of ART and in particular by in vitro fertilization in the presence of the following indications:

  1. Tubular sterility in women (МКБ-X: N97.1):
    a) lack of fallopian tubes bilaterally (surgically removed);
    b) unilateral absence with contralateral obstruction or stenosis;
    c) bilateral obstruction of the fallopian tubes (including after sterilization);
    d) unilateral obstruction with contralateral stenosis;
    e) bilateral interstitial or isthmic stenosis;
    (f) post-plastic condition of the fallopian tubes for at least 12 months after plastic surgery, provided that no intrauterine pregnancy has occurred;
    g) (amended, SG No. 58/2011) proven severe endometriosis (III and IV class according to AFS), as well as milder, but affecting the integrity of the fallopian tubes;
    male factor infertility (ICD-X: N97.4):
    a) (amended, SG No. 58/2011, amended, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) azoospermia, with histological data on the presence of spermatogenesis;
    (b) oligo- and / or astheno- and / or teratozoospermia requiring ART by IVF or ICSI with at least two of the following parameters:
    aa) ejaculate volume <1.0 ml;
    bb) sperm concentration <20 million / ml;
    cc) sperm with good motility <40% (grade 1 – 2);
    dd) sperm with good morphology <30% (according to WHO) or <15% (according to Kruger);
    ee) presence of sperm antibodies in the man and / or woman;
  2. female infertility associated with lack of ovulation due to LUFS;
  3. infertility with etiology not clarified by conventional diagnostic methods;
  4. (New, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) a proven monogenic genetic disease or a proven balanced chromosomal mutation in at least one of the partners;
  5. (New, SG No. 4/2018, effective 01.01.2018) a proven oncological disease in women.
  • Prices for assisted reproduction activities:
    1. For fresh embryo transfer activities (up to BGN 5,000.00) :
      – ultrasound examinations – up to 6 pieces – BGN 30.00 / piece.
      – hormonal tests – up to 10 pieces – BGN 18.00 / piece.
      – follicular puncture under ultrasound control – BGN 400.00.
      – Classic in vitro fertilization – BGN 1300.00.
      – Fertilization through the so-called ICSI – BGN 1600.00.
      – Embryo transfer – BGN 340.00.
      – Cryopreservation of preimplantation embryos – BGN 200.00.
      – Medicinal products in classic in vitro – up to BGN 2400.00.
      – Medicinal products for fertilization by ICSI – up to BGN 2,100.00.
    2. For activities on transfer of thawed embryos (up to BGN 500.00) :
      – Ultrasound examinations – BGN 30.00.
      – Thawing of embryos – BGN 100.00.
      – Cultivation – BGN 30.00.
      – Transfer of thawed embryos – BGN 340.00.
    3. For activities on assisted reproduction of a spontaneous cycle (up to BGN 5,000.00):
      – Ultrasound examinations – up to 12 times – BGN 30 / piece.
      – Follicular puncture under ultrasound control – 4 pieces – BGN 400.00 / piece.
      – Fertilization – BGN 1600.00.
      – Freezing of embryos – up to 4 pieces – BGN 200.00 / piece.
      – Thawing of embryos – BGN 250.00.
      – Cultivation – BGN 50.00.
      – Transfer of thawed embryos – BGN 340.00.
    4. In assisted reproduction activities to preserve the fertility of women with cancer (up to BGN 2,500.00):
      – Ultrasound examinations – up to 6 pieces – BGN 30.00 / piece.
      – Hormonal tests – up to 10 pcs. – BGN 18.00 / pc.
      – Follicular puncture under ultrasound control – BGN 400.00.
      – Freezing of ova – BGN 200.00.
      – Medicinal products – up to BGN 1,540.00.
    5. For assisted reproduction activities of women with cancer (up to BGN 2,500.00):
      – Thawing of eggs – up to 2 pcs. – BGN 280.00 / item.
      – Fertilization – BGN 1600.00.
      – Transfer of embryos – BGN 340.00.

Charity campaigns of Invitro Clinic "SOFIA"

Invitro is not a method. Invitro is hope,  bringing happiness. It can be spotted in the eyes of the women who have been through this hardship. There is nothing more wonderfull than seeing your dream, asleep in the nursery, with all its innocence.

In the name of the brightest cause – to give birth to a new life, the team of Invitro Clinic “SOFIA” organizes and participates in a number of charity campaigns, some of which are “Think Positive” with donated 3 free in vitro procedures, “How to talk to your partner about infertility” with donated 1 free invitro procedure, “I have a chance to be born” with donated 1 free invitro procedure, “Listen to the good news of the Annunciation”, with donated 4 free invitro procedures, the annual campaigns “Christmas wish” of the Association “Conception” with donated a number of free invitro procedures, spermograms, diagnostic tests.

For several years the team of Invitro Clinic “SOFIA” organizes months of  male reproductive health “Be brave, check …” by performing free spermograms, as well as a month for free examination of the ovarian reserve “The biological clock is ticking for everyone, but in some cases it escapes ….”

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